For months I have been feeling the need to go to California. I could not put off the impression any longer so week before last I packed the kids in the car and headed out. I went thinking the kids need a memory...Although, I think they did I was reminded that I need to REMEMBER! How grateful I am for my upbringing. I am grateful for my parents who did so much for us and with us! I am grateful for all my siblings and my relationship with them. I am grateful for such good memories!
I had a great trip in Cali, it was everything I needed it to be. I am grateful to hang out with my Dad, Melissa and Amy!
I had a revelation there too about something I needed. I have been on a kick about bridges. Well, while in Cali I took the kids to the bridge Robb proposed on and the one he tried to propose on. I took several pictures. It occurred to me as I drove home from the park that my life is like the bridges. The one Robb tried to propose on is ideal. It is beautiful, over a large pond, ducks floating by. The one he did propose on is concrete, grafittied, and to say the least UGLY. I realized that that is how life is. We often look for the ideal, we often are critical if others or ourselves don't measure up to that ideal. The truth is most of us are on a concrete bridge, dealing with the challenges we have been given. What hit me is that if you compare both bridges it is the concrete bridge that is stronger and will stand the test of time. We ought to be in the business of strengthen bridges. Although looking to the ideal is not bad we ought to rejoice as we stand on the concrete bridge! I know now why I needed to fall off the bridge 10 years ago. How grateful I am for where I am standing now and for the blessings I have seen and see ahead!
I loved your lesson on Sunday. Thank you for sharing all your wonderful stories with us.