Sunday, May 17, 2009

Going to the Temple

We took the kids to the Provo Temple on Monday for Family Home Evening. We wanted to take a picture of each of them in front of the temple to put in their rooms. It wasn't exactly the spiritual experience we were hoping for (the kids were a little wound up and running around) but we got the pictures and it was a good teaching experience about reverence for places and grounds. We had a fun time and it was good for the kids to be able to walk the grounds of the temple. We had some really nice pictures with full views of the temple in the background that they each got to hang in their rooms. We hope it will help them remember the goal of having an eternal family and help them make a goal to be married in the temple.


  1. What a great idea. Those pictures in their rooms are a great reminder. I am going to do that too when Ben is older.

  2. seeing you all together is amazing - sometimes I can hardly believe that you have 5 children but that picture is prefect - you just look like you were meant to all be together. thanks for the great family home evening idea.
